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Power of attorney I Fullmakt I Migrationsverket I English I Engelska

*” anger obligatoriska fält

Who will be your representative at the Swedish Migration Agency?
Representatives firstname
Representatives lastname
Representatives personalnumber alternatively date of birth
Representatives address
Representatives ZIP-code
Representatives county
Your personal information

189 kr

Use this power of attorney if you are going to move to someone, work, study or visit Sweden, apply for passport, residence card or residence status or if you have applied for Swedish citizenship and you want someone to represent you. Fill in the requested information and then receive a power of attorney for your e-mail address which you send to the Swedish Migration Board.

Mer information

Power of attorney – Migrationsverket

For those of you who want help in your contacts with the Swedish Migration Board, you can order a power of attorney here that applies to the following matters:

– residence permit
– work permit
– visa
– alien’s passport
– travel document
– residence card
– residence status
– Swedish citizenship
– public counsel
– refusal of entry
– expulsion

The representative then has full rights to represent you at the Swedish Migration Agency. Note that it is not possible to have a representative apply for Swedish citizenship. Svenska/Swedish.